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Rutland Fire Brigade Building Restoration Project

1928 American LaFrance
Old Fire Barn 1897
Completed Fire Barn

You may know us best as the last float in the 4th of July Parade, but the Rutland Volunteer Fire
Brigade is more than a bunch of guys having fun in a parade. Over the years our events (golf
tournament, chicken barbecue, chowder/chili challenge and others) have enabled us to fund
major support for the fire department in their commitment to provide a safe community for all
of us. In addition, we also support many other beneficial community projects. The Rutland
Volunteer Fire Brigade has helped to protect and improve the Town of Rutland since 1894.
Now we need your help in restoring the Old Fire Station at 286 Main Street. Before our project
began several years ago the station, originally built in 1897, was in a state of disrepair and was
facing possible demolition. Now, after countless volunteer hours and assistance from the
community, we are nearing our goal of saving Rutland’s oldest municipal building. Our mission
is to save this community treasure to house and showcase firefighting memorabilia and provide
meeting space for the Brigade as well as community leadership groups.
There is still much work to be done, so please help us complete the restoration. Your donation
will help us reach our goal and will be sincerely appreciated. Contributions are tax deductible,
as we are an IRS 501(c)(3) organization. 
You can mail your check, made payable to "Rutland Volunteer Fire Brigade", to Rutland
Volunteer Fire Brigade, Old Station Restoration, 240 Main Street, Rutland MA 01543, attention
RVFB Treasurer -- or you can use the "Donate" button below. When donating please indicate
that your donation is for the Old Station Restoration.

RVFB members, including Captain Randy Jordan, Secretary John Pajka and Treasurer Paul Willson, hosted a kick-off dinner at Val's restaurant in Holden MA in April 2015.

The 'Donate' button below is for support of the Rutland Volunteer Fire Brigade. Please include "Old Station Restoration" is Special Instructions field online.
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